Towards User Centric Public Services
[...] * Any additional indicators (and sources)?
Budget allocated to new ICT training (to keep up with new softwares, new processes, new services...)
Manon, 27/09/2021 17:23
Maybe number of initiatives for digital competencies improvement
Paola Russillo, 29/09/2021 09:21
* 'Standardised' processes in which involving the users is mentioned.
* 'Standardised' processes in which UX-testing is mentioned.
* The number of UX-specialists
* The number of citizens /the network that can and want to be reached in the design and deveop of public services.
Jochem Cooiman, 30/09/2021 10:32
We should add an indicator regarding educational training for citizens. The level of their digital skills is a fundamental enabler and shall be nurtured
Paolo Sabatini, 30/09/2021 11:24
Related to skills is also if the employees have skills to give digital support to customers (number of..?)
Also language skills have shown to be relevant when giving guidance/assistance about use of digital services.
Veera Vihula, 30/09/2021 13:51
Number of e-learning courses related to ICT for employees and citizens
Stefano Gatti, 01/10/2021 14:35
is user centricity as a principle specifically mentioned in public service/IT strategy
Bjorn Dirkse, 01/10/2021 14:57