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Localising the User-Centricity Principles
Last update 17 Sep 2021
82 paragraphs, 93 comments
Localising the User-Centricity Principles (IT)
Last update 17 Sep 2021
91 paragraphs, 26 comments
Localising the User-Centricity Principles (NL)
Last update 17 Sep 2021
89 paragraphs, 10 comments
Localising the User-Centricity Principles (FR)
Last update 17 Sep 2021
92 paragraphs, 0 comments
Localising the User-Centricity Principles (ES)
Last update 17 Sep 2021
91 paragraphs, 0 comments
Localising the User-Centricity Principles (FIN)
Last update 17 Sep 2021
91 paragraphs, 0 comments
Localising the User-Centricity Principles (DE)
Last update 17 Sep 2021
91 paragraphs, 0 comments
List of indicators for UserCentriCities dashboard
Last update 20 Sep 2021
67 paragraphs, 132 comments
Indicators list - second iteration
Last update 24 Nov 2021
79 paragraphs, 85 comments
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0. BACKGROUND INFORMATION * Total number of employees of the local authority * Total population of the local authority * Total annual budget of the local authority 1. ENABLERS 1.1 Skills * Does the local authority have in the administration the positions of service designers / user researchers / user experience experts? * If yes, provide the evidence, including the approximate number of such positions * How many ICT specialists does the local authority employ? * Does the local authority provide structured training on service design or user research to civil servants in the last two years? * If yes, provide the evidence, including the approximate number of people trained * Does the local authority provide structured training on digital technologies to civil servants in the last two years? * If yes, provide the evidence, including the approximate number of people trained * Does the local authority provide structured training on digital technologies to citizens in the last two years? * If yes, provide the evidence, including the approximate number of people trained * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 1.2 Strategies * Does the local authority have a digital strategy less than three years old? * Does the local authority have formal service standard (like for instance the UK Government Digital Service standards)? * Does the local authority have design guidelines, including for instance standards for simple language? * Does the local authority mention service design or user experience in its digital strategy? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 1.3 Ecosystem * Does the local authority provide APIs to other administrations and to private companies * If yes, how many external organisations (public and private) access the API monthly on average? * Does the local authority use standardised services modules, provided at national or European level (e.g. national payment service or eID)? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 2. USER-CENTRICITY PERFORMANCE 2.1 Co-creation * Does the local authority habitually (as standard practice on every new digital service) use service co-design / user research sessions in developing its services? * Does the local authority habitually carry out users research sessions on a regular basis (at least once a year) after the launch of digital services? * If yes, provide the evidence, including the approximate number of sessions or people of citizens that have engaged in service co-design practices in the past two years * Does the local authority habitually (as standard practice on every new digital service) use specific service co-design / user research sessions with disadvantaged communities (e.g. minorities, elderly, disabled people, etc.) in developing its services? * Does the local authority habitually use web analytics to monitor users behaviour (e.g. completion rates and most frequent errors)? * Does the local authority habitually plan for releasing regular (at least once a year) new releases for existing digital services? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 2.2 Supply of online services * Does the local authority provide the majority of services fully online (out of total services provided that could potentially be digitalised)? * Does the local authority have a dedicated app? * Does the local authority offer at least one proactive service, where users are automatically signed up for a service based on the government-held data? * Has the local authority already fulfilled the requirements of the Single Digital Gateway (deadline end of 2022)? * Does the local authority provide normally to citizens the possibility to check online the status of their procedure (e.g. initiated, ongoing or terminated)? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 2.3 Usability * Are the local authority web services in line with WCAG guidelines? * Has the local authority put in place means for users to provide feedback? * Does the local authority have simple language standards? * Does the local authority habitually carry out usability assessment of its online services, using standard tools such as System Usability Scale (SUS)? * Does the local authority habitually provide to users clear expectations of maximum time for service delivery? * Does the local authority have consistent design across all online services and websites? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 2.4 Security and privacy * Are the users able to use eID, recognised under the eIDAS regulation, as a means of authentication for online services requiring authentication? * Has the local authority put in place measures to ensure citizens' control over the data held about them (like who has access to the data and for what reason, correction of data, etc)? * Has the local authority put in place risk mitigation and risk management processes, as well as governance processes in case of misuse or attacks on digital customer services? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 2.5 Redress mechanisms * Does the local authority provide online redress mechanisms for both citizens and businesses? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 3. OUTCOME 3.1 Adoption * Considering only services that are available online, are the majority of transactions carried out online? * Does the local authority publish data on usage of online services (such as number of transactions) on a regular basis? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 3.2 Reduction of burden * Does the authority measure the average time saved by citizens when using an online service compared to the offline one? * If yes, provide the evidence, including the results * Does the authority measure the amount of annual financial savings for the public administration? * If yes, provide the evidence, including the results * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 3.3 Satisfaction * Does the local authority measure the citizens’ level of satisfaction with regards to the services’ provision? * If yes, does it use standard methods such as NPS? * What is the average share of satisfied users in the last two years? * Any additional indicators (and sources)? 3.4 Environmental impact * Does the authority measure the volume of CO2 saved by the citizens when using an online service compared to the offline one? * If yes, provide the evidence, including the results * Any additional indicators (and sources)?
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This rises a question about the process and operation model as well as the purpose of the dashboard. To whom is the evidence provided to and for? UCC? Commission? Other cities? Citizens? Should the evidence be public documents on the dashboard website? What for example is the proof of service designer positions other than their contracts? Directly or including inhouse consultants? If we want to measure capabilities or resources available, also purchased services are valid. Especially civil servants or employees? (different positions in public organizations)Standards for simple language is also a separate indicator in Usability. should only be asked once. Is there an other example of design guidelines? Should this be "If the local authority has a digital strategy does it mention service design?" OR even better: "Is service design mentioned in digital strategy or some other strategy level document?" New releases = updates? Often technical updates are run and released by the service provider (compare MS 365). Does this mean service content updates?Digital services should be device independent. Design "Mobile-first" but scalable to other devices (laptop etc). What does the existence of a an app measure?Good question from Jochem, does this mean protocols/guidelines or standards?What do we want to measure with this? If the services are recognizable for a local authority service? Design in the context of brand colours, logos etc (recognizable) or consistent in architecture? Also, there's the question of legacy with the systems/services. What is good enough consistence? Yes/No or Yes/no/partly? Whats the scale with these kind of questions?If someone measures this can you share how you do it? This requires multiply sources (right?)Difficult question, who knows this? Difficult question, who knows this? Difficult question, who knows this?Impossible to answer, for me at leastWhat standars are meant?eu, national, local? This implies and requires knowledge of the uk standards, which are not widespreadClosed question, should ask ‘which’ as wellHow to know, who knows. This requires responsees with much and broad knowledge (does not exist), or a group of people answering togetherClosed question, should ask ‘which’ as wellClosed question, should ask ‘which’ as wellClosed question, should ask ‘which’ as wellQuestion on frequency, or size?§majority or fully? This closed question can be answered/interpreted in multiple ways…. For….?Why do we want to know this, I was trying to figure this out?Could help if the questionnaire contains a direct link to the explanation of this SDGGood question, sentence is not technically perfectWcag? Could there be an explanation or direct link to more info on this?sentence is not technically perfectAre there such things? Or is the question whether cities have easy language protocols?Sus? Could help if there was a link to an explanation sentence is not technically perfectIn what way consistent design? I would not know what to answersentence is not technically perfectsentence is not technically perfectGeneral question, redress?? Could the question be formulated slightly different to avoid ‘redress”?Is the concept / definition of transactions clear to all?NPS?The number shouldn't be an indicator as it changes based of the total size of the administrationThe number should'n be an indicator as it changes based on the total size of the administrationAgain the munber shouldn't be an indicator...Again the number...Again the number shouldn't be an indicatorUsually the standards are set at national level, it shouldn't be an indicator for local authoritiesAgain the standards are usually set at national level, not at local oneThe number is always problematic as indicator as it doesn't take in account the size of the local administrationsThe number shouldn't be an indicatorThe compliance to SDG is important but the specific deadline of 2022 becomes outdated soon...This sentence should be changed into a measurable indicatorThis sentence should be changed into a measurable indicator (eg. the financial saving of a bigger authority can be a lower result than a smaller saving in a small authority, because of the total expensed of the authority)Again the average share is related also to the size of the authorityThis one should be changed into a measurable indicatora '?' is missing.Maybe follow-up with a 'If so, what standards?'I would not mention a method specifically. I would just ask 'If so, what standard method?'Agreed, same goes to service designers/user researchers/UI experts - often these services are bought in.2700034000005000000000 aprox.no500Yes. is not exactly a "local authority" is a "national authority/regulation". INTEROPERABILITY SECURITY: and CITIZEN CHARTERS:, by National Data Interchange Platform: EIDAS (national node): Yes. are linked with the national node that works like gateway with this service.Yes.Yes. All the service under the same design. can ask about it and have internal rules a procedures published in the intranet.Yes.50% aprox.No.No.